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I'm getting closer after installing the MS compiler for Python and
running "python setup.py build" successfully but still get a
failure. <br>
Does the usual GDAL Python user need to go through all this? I see
lots of information and tutorials about using the GDAL Python API
but haven't found much about setting up the environment in order to
get started.<br>
<b><font color="#3366ff">E:\dwacode\gdal\gdalautotest-2.0.1>python
Traceback (most recent call last):<br>
File "run_all.py", line 37, in <module><br>
import gdaltest<br>
File "pymod\gdaltest.py", line 36, in <module><br>
from osgeo import gdal<br>
21, in <module><br>
_gdal = swig_import_helper()<br>
17, in swig_import_helper<br>
_mod = imp.load_module('_gdal', fp, pathname, description)<br>
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be
E:\dwacode\gdal\gdalautotest-2.0.1>dir %pythonpath%<br>
Volume in drive E is EDrive<br>
Volume Serial Number is 17F6-8B91<br>
Directory of e:\dwacode\gdal\swig\python\build\lib.win32-2.7<br>
10/26/2015 05:24 PM <DIR> .<br>
10/26/2015 05:24 PM <DIR> ..<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 133 gdal.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 148 gdalconst.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 130 ogr.py<br>
10/26/2015 05:28 PM <DIR> osgeo<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 130 osr.py<br>
4 File(s) 541 bytes<br>
3 Dir(s) 50,715,795,456 bytes free<br>
Directory of
10/26/2015 05:28 PM <DIR> .<br>
10/26/2015 05:28 PM <DIR> ..<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 73,360 gdal.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 7,570 gdalconst.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 53 gdalnumeric.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 18,843 gdal_array.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 185,934 ogr.py<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 34,532 osr.py<br>
10/26/2015 05:24 PM 308,736 _gdal.pyd<br>
10/26/2015 05:24 PM 24,064 _gdalconst.pyd<br>
10/26/2015 05:25 PM 394,752 _ogr.pyd<br>
10/26/2015 05:24 PM 176,640 _osr.pyd<br>
06/12/2015 03:27 PM 778 __init__.py<br>
10/26/2015 05:28 PM 931 __init__.pyc<br>
12 File(s) 1,226,193 bytes<br>
2 Dir(s) 50,715,795,456 bytes free<br>
<br /><br />
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