<div dir="ltr">Hi guys,<br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div><br></div><div>I know it is slightly out of the scope of this mailing list, but I tried some time ago to make a small enhancement to Brew to support the build including the Mongo driver and I'm stucked at a point with libboost.</div><div><br></div><div>If anybody of you had the chance to take a look and give a hint to <a href="https://github.com/OSGeo/homebrew-osgeo4mac/pull/184" target="_blank">https://github.com/OSGeo/<wbr>homebrew-osgeo4mac/pull/184</a> it would be highly appreciated and I could finish this Pull Request.</div><div><br></div><div>Best,</div><div>Matthieu</div></div>