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<div>Hi all,</div>
<div>I'm currently working on a map viewer application that uses GDAL for processing geo-referenced map images. Up till now I've been successfully using the poppler library for PDF support, but am currently trying to shift to the podofo/poppler hybrid approach
(podofo library with poppler pdftoppm utility) to work around poppler's GPL licence restrictions.
<div>I have a collection of sample map PDF documents generated by ESRI ArcMap 10 (different documents from different releases in the 10.x release family), which I could successfully process with GDAL/poppler, but most of which fail to load with GDAL/podofo.
The document loading also fails with the stand-alone podofo pdftoppm utility, both with a version that I've built from podofo 0.9.6 source and with the 0.9.3 version installed onto my ubuntu xenial machine from the APT package repository.</div>
<div>The typical error message is as follows:</div>
Error: An error 5 ocurred during uncompressing the pdf file.<br>
PoDoFo encounter an error. Error: 5 ePdfError_UnexpectedEOF<br>
Error Description: End of file was reached unxexpectedly.<br>
#0 Error Source: /build/libpodofo-NltoF1/libpodofo-0.9.3/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:226<br>
Information: Unable to load objects from file.<br>
#1 Error Source: /build/libpodofo-NltoF1/libpodofo-0.9.3/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:334<br>
Information: Unable to load xref entries.<br>
#2 Error Source: /build/libpodofo-NltoF1/libpodofo-0.9.3/src/base/PdfParser.cpp:738<br>
#3 Error Source: /build/libpodofo-NltoF1/libpodofo-0.9.3/src/base/PdfTokenizer.cpp:339<br>
<div>which seems to indicate an invalid xref table.<br>
<div>I don't think this is a podofo bug as such, as various online pdf validators I've tried also flag the documents as problematic, but several other bits of pdf software I've tried (notably the poppler library utilities) seem to treat it as a non-fatal recoverable
error. <br>
<div>Has anyone else come across this and come up with a work-around or fix? <br>
<div>Example problem file to be found at <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/khlzgz8o2gxq89y/6090_harvest.pdf?dl=0">