<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><br><br>On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 5:56 PM Even Rouault <<a href="mailto:even.rouault@spatialys.com">even.rouault@spatialys.com</a>> wrote:<br>><br>> > This particular NetCDF file, PM10 analysis from CAMS<br>> > <a href="http://www.regional.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/">http://www.regional.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/</a>, does not have a longitude<br>> > variable, also no subdatasets. Resolution should be 0.1 degrees, but GDAL<br>> > reports<br>> > Pixel Size = (-0.415021467959250,-0.100000003824258)<br>> > because west > east<br>> ><br>><br>> ok, ncdump on it confirms there's a clean discontinuity, and regular spacing<br>> before and after:<br>><br>>  longitude = 335.05, 335.15,[...], 359.85, 359.95,<br>>   0.04998779, 0.1499939, [...] 44.84998, 44.94998;<br><div><br></div><div>ncdump also confirms that longitudes are increasing from west:</div><div>longitude = 335.05, 335.15</div><div>this is correct, while GDAL assumes that longitudes are decreasing from west<br></div><div><br></div><div>The discontinuity 359.95, 0.04998779 is not a discontinuity with regard to their location on earth, the spacing is still about 0.1 because 0.04998779 = 360.04998779</div><div>></div>> the netCDF driver could detect and autocorrect this. Should be around line<br>> 3174 of frmts/netcdf/netcdfdataset.cpp<br></div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div>I will have a look.<br></div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div>Thanks for your very fast feedback!</div><div><br></div><div>Markus M<br></div></div>