Fw: OSGEO Spatial Data
Jo Walsh
jo at frot.org
Mon Apr 3 11:03:11 EDT 2006
dear all,
A *lot* of dots that join up nicely in this...
[PGL/GRASS packaging/teaching/metadata]
----- Forwarded message from Dave Sampson <dr.sampson at sympatico.ca> -----
From: Dave Sampson <dr.sampson at sympatico.ca>
To: jo at frot.org
Subject: OSGEO Spatial Data
Dave Sampson here... I'm just going to pump out some info here and maybe
you can direct it to the right people.
I run the Ottawa GRASS Users Group (OGUG)
[http://cemml.carleton.ca:8080/OGUG/] and we have a bunch of mini local
projects that would work nicely with some of the working groups....
Pass this info along and see what people want to do with what.
Lets go on a tour.
Canadian verison of the PGL Liscence that we are trying to promote...
Some of our listings for free geographic data
Sources for GRASS Data
Sources for papers on GRASS
Some home brew tutorials and student workshops
OGUG datasets
We are trying to create local training datasets using free geo data from
disparate sources... same idea as the GRASS spearfish data but something
with a Canadian context.
here we want to develop a method of community mapping interchange
files... I am thinking in grosse concept something like an SVN using
non-binary GML but this is outside my expertise. I'm only a geographer
not a DBAdmin of Concurrent versioning pro.... I also know little about
GML... but the process seems to work well with sources code, so why not
non-binary GML's.
There are many things that OGUG can do with some additional networking
and support. Perhaps some of our projects can co-operate... you at least
have a keen group interested in working with OS GEO foundation to get
the ball rolling. Let us know how we can help and perhaps some joint
funded projects might come out of the woodworks.
For your metadata projects. As much as I hate the whole subject I spent
4 months managing a project to implement metadata search capabilities
into a government web site. Check out the final porduct here:
This page uses IFrames ot exploit the tools found at this canadian
geospatial website:
There is a whole API available for people to search their DB. Also
theey can also search a z.39.50 type database and working to work with
http metadta servers. heck out their developer section. No sense
re-inventing the wheel.... its a pretty widely used site for North
American data.
The only thing I would like to see with this services is a caching
ability to quickly retrieve search results.
Anyhow.. some thoughts for your groups.
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