geodata schema

Norman Barker nbarker at
Tue Aug 1 11:03:31 EDT 2006

Jo, all,

Thanks for the pointer on Geo-Wxnkers to this group.

I would be interested in taking the schema and the mind map that you
have on the wiki and at and
developing it further. 

(the svn checkout for 'guest' seems to be broken - is there no guest

Although I know python quite well, I would prefer to develop in Java if

My motivation is to avoid the CSW-ebRim profile, and to encourage the
uptake of RESTful catalogs, and further explore this rapid catalog
development and see if enough metadata can be captured. My motivations
are also from a business perspective - more catalogs mean more chance to
utilise meaningful data and a better use of clients.

I would like to suggest the following work items in Java

(1) Take existing metadata postgis database
(2) Use Java annotations (EJB3) to do a data-object persistence bind
(3) Write a Java Bot to scour the web for getcapabilities and attempt to
parse the capabilities and fill up the database using (2) (want to
abstract the database to set of POJOs)
(4) implement georss feed (still thinking about this at the moment) for
new data items

Whilst I think 1 - 3 are quite easy, have there been any plans for
develop the API for the catalog front end?

Have you chosen a license for the database schema and python scripts you
have already implemented? 

I would be looking to hack + and then document (1) - (4) in the next 5 -
10 days.

Many thanks,


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