[OSGeodata] geodata schema for persistence, discovery and binding

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 19:08:47 EDT 2006

> Unfortunately I know very little about postgis (though I have wanted
> to use it for a while), so when the schema further develops I would be
> interested to see how you index getcapabilities (free text search?
> spatial index?)
Instead of writing persistence layer from scratch you could take a look at
this http://jpoxspatial.zones.ch/ .

In geometa.info we investigate a combination of unstructured and structured
data, so we use both, free text (with unbeatable Lucene) an a simple schema
- surely too simple compared to work done here by Tom with OWSCat, Paul with
uDig and others (start here:

But my main interest here is not to discuss back end schematas or
functionality of (search) service providers but the least required
extension/specialization of Dublin Core information model to be exchanged
(currently its 'coverage' and 'protocol') in a most established RESTful
protocol for metadata harvesting (my currently evaluation ranks OAI-PMH, WFS
profiled then CSW profiled). Here metadata includes data about data as well
as data about services (here: WxS which contain data).
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