geodata stylesheets

Norman Barker nbarker at
Thu Aug 3 10:44:28 EDT 2006


Following on from our earlier discussions I wrote a stylesheet targeted
towards extracting information from a getcapabilities response;

I have attached the test capabilities response (just a crude
manufactured example), the stylesheet (you will need the exslt
extensions for your language (java has them already, firefox will need
the pure text versions), and the output (I have made this Java
serializable specific - doesn't have to be).

I have put comments inline in <xsl:template match="wcs:Service"> in
metadata_wcs_1.0.0.xsl, where I think we are missing info, or have
questions.  From the capabilities we can't get time periods, and we
struggle to get some meaningful data.

Please let me have your comments, I think I am going to go down the
stylesheet route for extracting the data and then pulling it into Java
and hence in the persistence model - if this isn't recommended please
let me know.


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