[OSGeodata] discovery requirements

Norman Barker nbarker at ittvis.com
Fri Aug 4 10:28:27 EDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] [mailto:Tom.Kralidis at ec.gc.ca] 
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 3:23 PM
To: geodata at geodata.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeodata] discovery requirements

Following the discussions on cataloguing, it may be a good idea outline
what we would want a catalogue to do.

1./ discover the existence of a web service
2./ discover the existence of a resource which is available via web
services (i.e WMS layer, WFS feature type)
3./ discover the existence of a static resource (dataset, document,
4./ ability to performs operations 1 - 3 with spatial, aspatial and
temporal predicates
5./ provide a RESTful request API
6./ provide responses in XML

Just a start.  Feel free to add/modify, etc.



Could we add security to this, so far the database schema is missing
roles, groups etc. (understandably so it was just capturing metadata
requirements).  If security goes in now we can do it properly (at the
database level :-) ), then we don't have to hack it in at the end.

So all publicly harvested resources can go in the public group, but
privately ingested resources should have configurable group access.

Just a thought here, but if security is added then we should also have a
concept of state (which mod_python as well as J2EE support) so that we
don't have to authenticate each time for each resource.  This is still
RESTful as well, for example ;jsessionid=.. 



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