IRC Meeting this Thursday - 1500UTC

Jo Walsh jo at
Tue Aug 8 08:23:23 EDT 2006

dear all, 

I suggest we have another of these gripping, semi-regular IRC meetings
about geodata this Thursday on at the regular time, 
1500UTC / 1100EST / 0800PST

I would love to be able to have a realtime chat about simple catalog
interfaces and pragmatic metadata distribution, find out how
implementations are going and gather some feedback. 

I am also picking up signals of renewed/ongoing interest in imagery 
tiling syndication/mirroring. I regret that i don't grasp the issues 
here fully... this might be too much to cover in one session, though?

Retrieved from

    *  Discussion of Simple Catalog Interface idea that has been
    *  circulating on the mailing list
          o How are implementations going?
          o What kind of prior art (UDig,etc?) 
	    should really be taken into account
          o Possibility of BOF/session at FOSS4G 

    * Update and comments on the status of the Geodata Repository 

    * Please add what's on your mind 



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