IRC Meeting this Thursday - 1500UTC

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at
Thu Aug 10 05:07:07 EDT 2006

Jo, all,

Thank you, Jo, for organising this IRC meeting. I'll not be able to attend
but I have added more thoughts to my Wiki pages at, and moved the
OAI-PMH vs. WFS comparison to

I think that two crucial questions are crucial:
i) Do we need a search protocol or a harvesting protocol?
ii) How to describe data access services as well as filter services?

To me it becomes more and clear that harvesting could be an answer to i) (no
live queries through this protocol).

Regarding ii) I would put the geographic data/resources in the focus being
pointed to by a metadata entity. There we have to define enumeration values
for data access services (like file api, jdbc, http get, wms, wfs) being a
specialized dc-element 'type'. On the other hand we need to model filter
services/resources as other metadata entities on their own (e.g. format
conversion service or coord transformation service).

-- Stefan
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