[OSGeodata] discovery requirements

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 21:20:28 EDT 2006

Norman Vine wrote 10. August 2006
> IMO what is 'crucial' is a formalization of the metadata scheme
> we are going to require for data stored at telascience
> How we use/expose that is of secondary concern.

In principle yes, but simultaneous work should be possible.

Regard that this depends on the point of view: Those who want to manage data
and data services will formalize an internal scheme. This (including WMS
services) is called a 'data provider' in OAI-PMH jargon.

Those who want to aggregate and harvest metadata are 'OAI-PMH service
providers', and they are more interested in the information model about the
metadata which is offered by the OAI-PMH data providers through the
harvesting protocol (tbd).

Tom Kralidis wrote 8. August 2006:
> TK: I agree about the importance of data.  Having said this, the
> dissemination of the data is (additionally and increasingly) put forth
> via web services (i.e. no static links).  So our next step would be to
> step back again and thinking of requirements in terms of defining who
> the "users" are.

I've made two examples for a 'OAI PMH data provider' which show a geographic
data resource (POIs) and a geographic service resource (an online
Note that there the POIs to me are a geographic data resource 'published'
trough two file format streams and a WMS (= one metadata record) whereas
there is a 'Geographic File Format Converter at HSR' (= other metadata
record) which just points to the URL of the converter and describes its
accepted input/output formats.

To me dissemination relates to the fact that (hopefully) free metadata
records are published (= syndicated) through a data provider (like
telascience) while a service provider crawls and aggregates these like p.ex.
mapdex.org, geometa.info and national geodata portals probably do.

-- Stefan
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