Ready for a lean and mean Catalogue Service Protocol Spec.?
Stefan F. Keller
sfkeller at
Fri Jul 21 06:50:46 EDT 2006
Many thanks for your many reactions. It seems that I hit a need and that
there is some sort of (implicit) agreement that we need a lean and mean
Catalogue Service Protocol Spec but - sigh: where to begin and how to reach
consensus here?
To clarify this at this place: Presumably no one wants to reimplement the
wheel and OGC needs to be kept in the loop. My short term goal is to define
a thesis project to contribute an implementation of such a service.
I'm still thinking forth and back what's better: Either to profile WFS (as
well as profiling the ISO 19115/19119 information model), or to extend
general search protocols like OpenSearch - thus becoming interoperable with
library and search community (did anyone really try to understand OAI-PMH?)
- or ...?
Next I will try to summarize the discussion with requirements, current
implementations and proposals.
-- Stefan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos [mailto:pvretano at]
> Sent: Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2006 23:40
> Subject: Re: Ready for a lean and mean Catalogue Service Protocol Spec.?
> Stefan,
> The HTTP protocol binding from CSW2 is already heavily based on WFS and
> includes KVP encodings for most of the requests. Here are some examples:
> a) Get a capabilities document:
> b) Describe the information model(s) that the catalog uses:
> c) Execute a query that does searches the record descriptions:
> :oasis:names:tc:ebxml-
> regrep:rim:xsd:
> tyName%3E/ExtrinsicObject/Description/LocalizedString/@value
> /ogc:Filter%3E
> d) Get the repository item associated with the record found in (c)
> (analogous to fetching the book from the library shelf):
> 9f818e6a-08b0-11db-8378-0010dcf5553d
> e) Get a specific record from the catalog:
> cfea-17f9-11db-b340-0010dcf5553d
> f) Get the repository item associated with the record from (d):
> 3748cfea-17f9-11db-b340-0010dcf5553d
> Your specific proposal (i.e. ISO19115/ISO19119 and WFS) would be very
> close to the existing ISO profile of the CSW2 specification. The ISO
> profile uses the HTTP protocol binding from CSW2 as the API and
> ISO19115/ISO19119 as the information models.
> Personally, I think what makes the current CSW specification "heavy
> weight" is the KVP encoding for the query operation (GetRecords) and the
> fact that the client needs to know the catalog's information model
> fairly well to even formulate a query. Not to mention, be familiar with
> the Filter syntax.
> What I think needs to happen is the addition of a new "simplified" query
> request to the CSW specification leaving GetRecords as the "advanced"
> query operation.
> I have been experimenting with a simpler query request whose KVP
> encoding looks something like this (equivalent to (c)):
> NOTE: My experimental name for the request is GetRecordsBasic and at
> the moment the request returns an XML fragment which may not validate in
> your browser. So, you may have to view the source to see what was
> generated by the catalogue.
> Other parameters on the GetRecordsBasic request include:
> Operators
> The advantage of this request is that the client does not need to be too
> familiar with the catalog's information model in order to formulate a
> Comments welcome.
> Ciao.
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