Reminder: Geodata scheduled chat tomorrow

Jo Walsh jo at
Tue Mar 28 18:48:15 EST 2006

dear all,

A quick reminder that there is a Geodata Committee meeting / scheduled
chat planned for tomorrow (10:00 EST / 15:00 UTC).
details the agenda to cover, which currently looks like this:

    * Open Geodata Project portal
          o Create a welcome page 
    * Starting to put together our requests for data services on the
    * OSGeo repository at telascience
          o what data can be hosted (mirrors of OnEarth/Landsat and
Blue Marble are already there
          o what index/search facilities can be offered.
          o what metadata schemes can be most useful 
    * Discussion of progress on the INSPIRE Directive on sharing
      environmental information within Europe and how EU-based people
      can help raise awareness at a national level before the final
      vote in the European Parliament

    * Please Add Agenda Items 

best wishes,


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