[OSGeodata] Fwd: GEOSS Clearinghouse - Request for infromation -

Allan Doyle adoyle at eogeo.org
Sat Nov 18 14:34:08 EST 2006

Well, you seem to have caught me out. I forwarded it on without  
explanation because I didn't have time to think through my thoughts  
about the documents and I was kind of hoping someone else would come  
along and say "What? Are they nuts?!" or something equally soothing.

 From my quick, 30 second read of the RFI, it seems to me to be  
asking for a response that looks a lot like the current state of play  
at the OGC. (including things like WSDL, UDDI, etc). I'm not sure I  
buy into that as a satisfying vision of what a global clearinghouse  
could be. Particularly having just read some excellent articles on  
REST vs. WSDL. [1][2][3]

Having participated in a small way with the thinking that has been  
done on this and other lists by you, Stefan, and others, it seems to  
me that this group probably has a lot to offer to the GEOSS group.

I don't think respondents to the RFI have to be part of GEO. There  
certainly are plenty of avenues back into GEO if we need them.


[1] http://duncan-cragg.org/blog/post/getting-data-rest-dialogues/
[2] http://wanderingbarque.com/nonintersecting/2006/11/15/the-s- 
[3] http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/2006/11/17/The-H-stands-for-Hyper

On Nov 18, 2006, at 10:33, Jo Walsh wrote:

> dear Allan, thanks for forwarding this.
> Is this to be interpreted as an FYI for us to see how the state of the
> art is being planned and modelled by others?
> Or do you imagine OSGeo as an entity or through its projects becoming
> more actively involved in a response to the RFI? (keyphrases:
> "demonstrate a search capability against existing catalogues"
> "search/catalog implementations.. integration+evaluation early 2007")
> I see ISO19115/19139, and FGDC and Dublin Core...
> Do you have a sense of how big this effort is planned to be in terms
> of different data sources and contributing organisations? Do
> respondents need to be 'GEO members' and would OSGeo members  
> already be?
> I see it is possible both to offer comments and components. I
> definitely see that there is a terrific fit with GeoNetwork here,
> if some of the response material can be re-used, is it a good time
> investment for the benefit of the project?
> thanks,
> jo
> On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 10:06:16AM -0500, Allan Doyle wrote:
>>> Dear GEO Colleagues,
>>> Please find attached a letter regarding GEOSS Clearinghouse Request
>>> for
>>> Information.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> The GEO Secretariat
>>> www.earthobservations.org
>> -- 
>> Allan Doyle
>> +1.781.433.2695
>> adoyle at eogeo.org
> -- 

Allan Doyle
adoyle at eogeo.org

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