DClite4G ready for review - More implementations underway?

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 07:17:42 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I've completed my revisions so far on the minimal metadata exchange and
harvesting model for GIS (DClite4G) at the OSGeo Wiki page
=> So DClite4G is ready for review again.

It's important to note that this model is not designed (but includes) for
catalog description. It rather is a discovery model for metadata exchange
*between* data providers, catalogs, search services and GIS components.

I hope that this DClite4G model somehow fits still into the catalog
extensions Jody implemented in GeoTools but further discussion seems
necessary here. Most important discussion points to me still are
dc:identifier, as well as the containment associations encoded as
dclite4g:onLineSrc and dct:hasPart.

Let's pinpoint it again: A dataset is being published through one or several
data access points (WxS) and is often split up in Layers for visualization
reasons. So, from a service description view (GetCapabilities), many
services expose only Layer/Feature names as views to the same (hidden)
=> So either datasets should become a distinct metadata record (delivered by
the georesource provider) or GetCapabilities is being extended by a
reference ID to a dataset... DClite4G is already prepared to carry both
variants. Any ideas?

-- Stefan

P.S. I also have cleaned up the chapters in the Wiki page and added some
"Guidelines for a minimal OAI-PMH implementation" targeted to data
providers. These guidelines are the result of an early implementation of a
Swiss 'geo-shop' product as well as in my 'Geo-Metadatabase', called GMDB
(PHP/MySQL, soon open source). Programming took half a day(!). We are
implementing this protocol now in our geographic search engine
http://www.geometa.info. If there are other OAI-PMH protocol implementations
underway, pleas let me know.
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