Geodata meeting this Thursday 1600GMT, 1100EST

Jo Walsh jo at
Tue Oct 31 16:35:05 EST 2006

dear all,

Let's meet and greet, this week on Thursday in the regular place -
#osgeo on - at the regular time - 1600 GMT/1100EST.
contains the agenda that came out of my head last week. As I am here I
would like to talk about some of the projects and plans that are in
the geodata committee's worldview. I would also like to apologise
again for my circumstantial absense over the last couple of months and
I want to start putting more code time energy into this again.

It is part of the core 'mission' of the geodata committee that we
build a public geodata repository, there has been a lot of effort put
into components of this. There has been a lot of back and forth
uncertainty about "no data before metadata" / "no metadata before data"
which leaves us with a lot of resources half-set-up, some data to keep
track of and a bit of figuring out what is where.

I hope we can take this opportunity to work out a kind of blueprint,
best practise for establishing a data archive with open source, open
standards and a constant eye towards re-use by communities of client

I hope I'll have the chance to write more / dig out more thoughts
before Thursday, otherwise it would be good to talk over the future
of the geodata repository project with whoever can make it,



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