Data Repository

Sampson, David dsampson at
Thu Sep 7 08:49:49 EDT 2006

Hey Folks,

I`ve been listening in for a while and been in on a couple of the IRC
meetings.  I am also helping the Ottawa OSGEO chapter get up and going.

As such we have merged two or three Open Source GIS groups in Ottawa.
The one I was with was working with GRASS
( We were working on Ottawa based
datasets including converting much of the Atlas of Canada data to GRASS
Location DB`s.

Since we have merged we are looking to OSGEO resources to help process,
store and allow access to this data.

I have a telescience account set up and thought that the next stage
would be to aproach the group and see what the options are.

I know there is a lot of talk about searching tools and metadata and
such. This is great and I'm good to work on creating the right metadata.
Right now I am looking for a place to store and process. A couple of
GIGS would be good, some of our datasets are kinda large (even
compressed) and often the raw data comes in large collections.

In addition, going back to some of the software requests from a few
weeks ago the following would be a nice tool box. I don't know what is
already installed on the telescience machine.

-FW tools
-GRASS (QGIS optional)

Right now the data we have:
Atlas Hydrology 161 MB
Atlas Cencus 60.2 MB
Atlas base 51.1 MB

This data is currently housed here:

The problem is that the PLONE server relies on one person for admin and
that is a large burden. Also for some reason PLONE is great for small
files, but will crash on larger files. We need an alternative and I hope
OSGEO resources will help

So lets talk about how we can house data we all currently have.  I'd
like to try SVN with occasional snapshots myself.... I can also use an
HTTP directory for direct DN or to link access.

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