[OSGeodata] Apache started

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 11:50:38 EDT 2006

On 9/7/06, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> I have taken the liberty of starting Apache on the geodata system.  It
> seems to work ok, and documents go in /var/www/html.   I would add that I
> don't think it starts automatically on reboot.  So if there is a reboot
> we would likely have to run "apachectl start" as root.

... or maybe use (not sure about right syntax):
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on


> Dave should be able to setup some simple http data download under
> /var/www/html as soon as desired.
> Dave, what's your userid on the system?  I'll create a directory owned by
> you under /var/www/html you can play with.
> Or alternatively, are there objections from the geodata committee to me giving
> Dave sudo permissions on this blade?

Mhh, just to understand:
By 'nhv' I was requested to not continue feeding the machine with geodata
or do data elaborations unless the metadata thing works. So I stopped my
VMAP0 elaborations there (which I wanted to distribute there as well).

Maybe we should first get clarity about the geodata.telascience.org
policy. At least, to me it's (no longer) clear :-)


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