[Geodata] MapGuide/FDO - conversion of IFF

Pawlik, Olaf O.Pawlik at fz-juelich.de
Wed Jan 10 05:18:09 EST 2007

Dear friends of geodata-list,

In our office, we run an older graphics system, GIS, called geoGPG on AIX 4.3 OS and an IBM RISC 6000 machine. 
The data output is in IFF (interface format file). It is planned to transfer this data ressource to an Autodesk enviroment / AutoCAD.
I recognised that there is generally a way to emigrate datas via  MapGuide + FDO,
but I don´t know if it works with IFF. If there is a option to convert IFF into a
metafile or directly into DXF/DWG, let me know.

Best regards,

O. Pawlik

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