[Geodata] Re: [georss] KML into OGC - OpenSearch for SWE

Gregor J. Rothfuss gregor at apache.org
Sun Mar 4 19:52:15 EST 2007

Stefan F. Keller wrote:

> Technically it's a small step to put some bbox inside dc:coverage and
> make OAI Dublin Core (DC) attributes more machine readable and to me the
> dozen DC are enough. But it seems to be the harder to reach consensus the
> few(er) geometry types and object attributes must be (see also Jo Walch's
> "Reading the INSPIRE metadata draft")...!
> => Now, if we reach consensus about a minimal metadata information model
> before negotiation with Google KML begins OGC could propose to include this
> also in OGC-KML!!

>> I want to do a distributed [spatio-temporal] search query.  What are the
>> options?

>> 1) I probably could extend the WFS filter and use it in an ad-hoc
>> distributed way.  But this will only be at best understood by the SWE
>> nodes.
>> I would be loosing the other stuff.
>> 2) KML Search?
>> 3) OpenSearch but how to do the geospatial query?  What about time span
>> queries?
>> http://www.opensearch.org
>> It does return Atom/RSS so it could potentially return GeoRSS!
>> So, has anyone considered a geospatial extension to OpenSearch?  Or has
>> anyone another approach to the problem?
>> Would this be something to consider under georss.org?

i would love geospatial extensions to opensearch, for all the reasons 
you mention.

google already has geospatial data in their gdata feeds, which use 


i recently talked to the gdata team, and they are willing to drop their 
proprietary gd:geoPt and move to georss. i will ping them to note 
gd:GeoPt being deprecated, and to please use georss instead on their 
documentation site.

but for playing around and getting a sense of what a geo-enabled 
opensearch feed could do, you should be able to use the existing gdata 
feeds with gd:GeoPt. you might be able to just use some google calendar 
feeds for that, as ogle earth suggests:



look like mashups that make some use of gd:geoPt.

i also looked around for good opensearch feeds, but sadly, currently 
most are pretty useless. i think it is still early days for opensearch, 
and i believe more and better opensearch feeds will come out.

if anyone here has come across interesting opensearch feeds that would 
gain from having geo embedded, please share! maybe we can get these 
feeds upgraded with geo :)

dewitt, anything to add?


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