[Geodata] Fwd: ebrim ICEDS examples
Norman Barker
norman.barker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 11:59:20 EDT 2007
sorry, this bounced when I sent it to geodata at geodata.osgeo.org
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Norman Barker <norman.barker at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 15, 2007 9:36 AM
Subject: ebrim ICEDS examples
To: geowanking at lists.burri.to, ddnebert at usgs.gov,
geodata at geodata.osgeo.org, farrukh at wellfleetsoftware.com,
pvretano at cubewerx.com
I bit the bullet and had a go at mapping the public ICEDS WCS server
metadata (thanks to Jeremy Morley for permission to use this and
generating the extra traffic) to the OGC ebRIM catalog profile.
Firstly I had to fix the OGC schemas so they compiled, I received
great help from Peter Vretanos, and Farrukh - many thanks. I would
really appreciate if anyone could look at my ebXML document for ICEDS
(attached) and check it makes sense - in particular I couldn't get GML
types in for the spatial bbox they wouldn't validate in XMLSpy for the
value element, there is limited metadata in a capabilities document
but it should work. I am guessing that the OGC spec on this is a
recommendation paper, since I had to fiddle with the examples to make
them validate in XML Spy (free home edition :-) ).
Full details on add the ogc profile to ebxmlrr (omar) (so the ISO
classifications) are available here
and setting it up with JBoss and PostgreSQL here
The next steps are to add the CSW interface to ebxmlrr, and to add a
spatial query plugin, and to write a stylesheet to generate the ebXML
doc from a capabilities document.
Must admit that despite my own FUD about ebRIM I am sold, as soon as I
did a search for LANDSAT in the ebxmlrr query interface saw all of its
metadata, found the associated service which was classified as a WCS -
it is everything I dreamed of. It would be interesting to map the
GRASS WPS so we can search for datasets, and then processing services
using standard taxonomies.
Am I right in thinking that MapBuilder is a CSW client, could this be
an ajax map client to ebxmlrr?
Appreciate I am spamming a bit, once I have received all the input on
this I suggest restricting this to the geodata and ebxmlrr groups, so
if you are interested please sign up to these.
many thanks and looking forward to your input,
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