[Geodata] Geodata License

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Mar 21 07:51:05 EDT 2007

 > dear ominoverde, a quick response that turned into a long one,

dear zool, you're answer has been enlightening to me, thanks

 > This sounds wonderful! Will you be looking to publish software setup 
utilities with it in the way Chris did for geoserver config in his
 > data package? Are there plans to offer this for GRASS/QGIS tutorial
 > demo material, etc?

as always when relating to an Italian administration, the situation is 
delicate: you never know if your effort will see a final publication. 
That's my personal experience.
Moreover we are working as little green men moving in the dark and 
disappearing before the sun set.
If somebody ask me if I'm doing what I'm talking about, I'll answer 
"no". Sounds weird  maybe...

I have not a clear idea of what Chis is doing and I'll try to study a 
little bit about it. I'll answer his posts separately.

The actual plan is to offer this dataset to ITC-IRST and GRASS community 
but is not the only one. Markus is close to publish the new GRASS book 
and there's no hurry to start planning the use of a new mapset for them 
I know many other projects would like to use a Free European dataset.
If things go as planned we'll (they'll) offer a package as GRASS is 
doing for Spearfish and maybe even a Catalogue (we'll push on 
GeoNetwork) and necessaries OWS. That's the dream, nothing is granted 

 > Richard Fairhurst's classic blog entry on "ShareAlike considered
 > harmful" and the commentary on it is worth looking at. 
http://www.systemed.net/blog/entry060311122655.html Some of his more 
recent "gonzo legal" research...
 > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Case_law
 > In EU as opposed to US there are issues to do with how much geodata is
 > covered by database copyright law which is a lot more restrictive 
here. http://www.talis.com/tdn/tcl is an interesting effort to make a
 > database right rather than copyright inspired open license.
 > But i would not say it is well known, CC you benefit a lot from
 > "acceptance".

I'll  comment on Chris post as he's expanding the thread.

 > Others to approach on an advice-gathering expedition would be the
 > geodatacommons project - i recall they had all CC flavours as default
 > options for licensing data into their commons service - or the
 > legal-talk list at Openstreetmap - in both those cases i think it's
 > best to go with a discussion/decision draft and ask specific feedback :)

good idea.

 > I probably have just rendered this more rather than less complex for
 > you and will stop writing. Yours is great news though, please keep in
 > the loop for when the data is ready for inclusion in the OSGeo geodata
 > repository :)

I'll be please to see it there.
the metadata description we'll be the next battle!

  And might it also be worth sending a press release about
 > this?

premature in my head... let's go step by step.
Until things are not official there's no need to go out of this list.

This was one piece of feedback i got from Malte Halbey at
 > FOSSGIS in re publicgeodata, that more press releases on this issue
 > would be well received. Are you already connected to
 > http://www.freegis-italia.org/ ... ?

yes, they are a good group.
I still feel pain reading Inspire news and their Italian resumes are a 
breath of fresh air to me.


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