[Geodata] [crschmidt@metacarta.com: [OAM-talk] OAM Prototype]

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Mon Nov 26 16:08:12 EST 2007

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 07:53:18PM +0000, Martin Spott wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> > Prototype of what OAM might be aiming for:
> > 
> >  http://openaerialmap.hypercube.telascience.org/
> Could you give us an update to how this effort relates to what is
> presented at "http://www.openaerialmap.org/" ? Who are the people
> behind the 'original' OAM effort ?

Well, it seems like the plan is to make what is at openaerialmap.org
*be* the above URL. Or at least, that was suggested on the mailing list.

I've mostly just been hacking together something, after having seen the
openaerialmap.org project be exactly the same wiki page for the past 4+
months. So, the spirit / intention is the same, but there's currently
no/little shared effort, because I was just throwing together y thoughts
before bringing them to the public eye.

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer

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