[Geodata] OpenAerialMap: To what extent does the Geodata committee

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Wed Nov 28 10:31:11 EST 2007

Christopher Schmidt wrote:

> This raises a couple questions:
>  1. Is there anyone on the committee who is against this use for an
>     OSGeo server?

Well, you're running all this on a server whose use is donated by
"Telascience" (alias JohnG, SDSU and the sponsors behind). I can't
think of OSGeo people voting against such use, Instead I'm convinced
that OSGeo folks should be happy that you're actually trying to get put
some life into OAM !

>  2. To what extent does the Geodata committee want to participate in the
>     project? The current holders of the domain name openaerialmap.org
>     are willing to donate the domain name to a foundation, and are
>     looking to participate in the wider community. Does OSGeo wish to
>     take on the hosting of this type of data?

Similar to what I said before: OSGeo, especially the geodata folks,
should be happy that progress is being made at OAM. I'm not sure if it
makes any sense for OSGeo in taking over the domain name, but it's
certainly a win for OSGeo to get affiliated to this effort.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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