[Geodata] OpenAerialMap: To what extent does the Geodatacommittee want to participate?

François Van Der Biest francois.vanderbiest at camptocamp.com
Wed Nov 28 13:03:16 EST 2007

Hi all,

Speaking of high res raster data, there's a new resource to be mentioned 
here (I heard it was just released yesterday) : this can be accessed 
from http://lima.usgs.gov/access.php

"The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is seamless and virtually 
cloudless. LIMA is the most geometrically accurate (within a pixel—30 
meters by 30 meters of land) mosaic of Antarctica and has the highest 
spatial resolution. The mosaics and all of the LIMA products, along with 
previous Antarctic mosaics, can be downloaded at no charge".

Oh, by the way, I second Jason's opinions :-)


Jason Birch wrote:
> What David said...  A seamless highest-resolution raster data source
> would be a huge boon to open source geospatial, and should absolutely be
> supported by the GeoData committee.

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