[Geodata] Re: [Aust-NZ] NZ geodata on OSGEO?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Tue Apr 29 07:28:27 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:46:27AM +0100, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Bruce.Bannerman wrote:
> >It seems clear cut, but I'd prefer that we were open with LINZ about our
> >intentions and give then the chance to comment if they wanted to.
> >
> >It will also flag that we're planning to use Open Source spatial tools
> >with their data and may generate some more interest on their part.
> There was a protracted and not enormously conclusive discussion on the  
> OpenStreetMap lists about LINZ: I think the sticking point was  
> whether, and how, we could provide attribution. Robin Paulson was the  
> prime mover (cc:ed).
> It would probably aid the wider cause of open geodata (and make for a  
> more compelling case) if any approach to LINZ were co-ordinated  
> between OSM and OSGEO.

OSM has taken the approach that providing attribution to data sources
used is an unacceptable requirement to be placed on the users of OSM
data. OSGeo projects like OpenAerialMap don't have this particular 
complication: The technical ability to fulfill this requirement is
typically easy, and with adequate documentation, this requirement can be
easily satisfied by the user.

I believe that given OSM's aversion to "attribution-required" data,
there are likely many cases where data which would otherwise be freely
reusable are seen as not allowable within the OSM project. Despite many
efforts by people to resolve this question, I have seen no evidence that
OSM's position is likely to change, so a joint effort here seems
unlikely to be helpful to the community at large. 

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer

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