[Geodata] Re: [Aust-NZ] NZ geodata on OSGEO?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 16:40:15 EDT 2008

Yes Brent,
Could you please approach LINZ on behalf on OSGeo-Aust-NZ. This should 
probably be followed up with an official letter from the committee. I'm 
happy to help there if needed.

I suggest you also contact Liz Kolster (CCed) from the State Services 
Commission who is well connected, shares our ideals of Open Data, and 
has the potential to put wheels in motion to change NZ policy. (I 
understand she is very busy this week, you may have better luck next week).

To help Liz and others in the halls of power, we need to be very clear 
about what we are asking for, and the business case to support it (from 
a government perspective).

Direct references to policies from other countries would be very useful. 
(Pointers to these policy docs would be appreciated).

So questions we need to answer is:
1. What are our preferences for licenses?

2. Why are such licenses good for New Zealand?
A: Access to this data enables business opportunities for New Zealanders.
A: Projects like OSM will provide value add services at next to no cost.

3. Who will host the data?

4. Who will maintain the data?

Mmm, I can see this turning into a white paper. Before getting bogged 
down, start by making some phone calls.

Dave Patton wrote:
> Brent Wood wrote:
>> My take on this is that rather than trying to get LINZ to pre-approve
>> a specific OSGEO setup using LINZ data (& other data- I can think of
>> at least 4 NZ Govt depts who have relevant data), it may be more
>> useful to get a generic agreement from LINZ to the effect that they
>> are comfortable with the idea of LINZ data, under the terms of their
>> licence, being made freely available on public websites for viewing
>> via web mapping applications, web services and for download.
>> This more generic agreement, if given, would allow anyone to do this,
>> rather than just OSGEO/OSM, and doesn't put LINZ in the position of
>> seeming to endorse any particular organisation to do this.
> Perhaps asking if they have considered a
> license agreement similar to that used by
> other countries? For example, Canada:
> http://geobase.ca/geobase/en/index.html

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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