[Geodata] creation of a PSC for the DCP

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Sat Aug 30 14:49:16 EDT 2008

the Degree Confluence Project:

I've started the ball rolling on the formation of
a Project Steering Committee (PSC) for the DCP.

The actual PSC guidelines (i.e. RFC 1) have not
been written yet.

Is there anyone on this list who might be interested
in being on the DCP PSC?

The number of PSC members has not been decided, but
I like the idea of having 1-2 members from outside the
DCP on the PSC, particularly if they have experience
with other PSCs and/or other "data projects".

Referring to the DCP as a "data project", and forming
a PSC for the DCP, does not mean that the DCP will
become 'affiliated with' OSGeo, although in the future
it is possible that the DCP would consider applying
to become an "OSGeo data project".

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.

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