[Geodata] Tiger2007 discussions

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sat Jun 21 15:47:48 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Hopefully those that are interested have found there way over here to 
geodata after a somewhat less than graceful start with the us_tiger list 

Thank you to Randy for posting:

> Also this somewhat critical caveat on the use of current TIGER Census 2007 -
> http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/tgrshp2007/usernote2007.html
> Especially see:
>  note 9 - no address fields populated in the edges.shp, you can populate
> L/RFROMADD, L/RTOADDR,ZIPL/R from external onetomany addr.dbf fields
>  note 10 - mixed primary and alternate names in edges.shp FULLNAME field,
> you can repopulate from the external onetomany in the featname.dbf paying
> attention to PAflag

So I was initally struggling with a lack of documentation, but I just 
checked the Census website:


I noticed they have released the technical documentation here:


so I think I need to read that before I start asking questions with 
obvious answers :)

So what are people trying to do with the Tiger data? The two obvious 
things are maps and geocoding.

Best regards,
   -Steve W

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