[Geodata] OSGeo GeoData Announcement?

jo at frot.org jo at frot.org
Fri Mar 21 14:03:34 EDT 2008

dear Frank, all, 
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 08:24:29PM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Should/could the geodata committee craft an announcement OSGeo can publish
> around the report Schuyler talks about here?
> http://mappinghacks.com/2008/03/13/osgb-business-model-bashed-by-govt-sponsored-report/
> The report seems credible and supports OSGeo's position that governments
> ought to be provide some geospatial basemap data for free.
> So lets get some leverage out of it.  

If no-one ele has picked this up yet I would be happy to as I want to
sit down and read the report properly RSN.

There is lots of good stuff going on around open geodata right now
which could be more promoted. Also in the UK, CloudMade have just got
2.4M euros in venture funding to build a hosting and repackaging business 
based entirely on OpenStreetmap data, and they are offering OSM
micro-grants anywhere in the world. http://blog.cloudmade.com/

Also the Open Data Commons project have just launched the PDDL or
Public Domain Dedication and License, which offers legal support to
the concept of a public domain dedication in the many places worldwide   
where that currently has no legal meaning. 



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