[Geodata] Re: Geodata Meeting, March 26th

François Van Der Biest francois.vanderbiest at camptocamp.com
Wed Mar 26 04:02:19 EDT 2008

Hi folks,

Maybe this has nothing to do with this meeting, but I'd like to raise a
question, related to local chapters.

First, let me introduce you to the french local chapter : we are
organized in three "sub-committees", which are "organization",
"software" and "data". I'm in charge of the "geodata" mission.

In the past months, our goal was to set up the local chapter.
Time has come now to take directions, and act.

The first attempt was this messy wiki page [1], in which we wrote what
we would like to do this year regarding "open geodata".
This includes :
 - showing locally why open geodata is important
 - helping local organizations who want to free their data
 - providing information (in french) about licenses suitable for open
 - cataloging open geodata (but IMO that would be redundant with the
global geodata mission)
 - federating local initiatives dealing with open geodata

And so, my question would be : considering the missions we gave
ourselves, what should be the relations between the local chapter and
the geodata committee ?  how can we interact and work together ?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you on that.


[1] in french : http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Objectifs_Donnees_fr

David William Bitner wrote:
> Just a reminder, meeting in just under 12 hours.

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