[Geodata] 'geothumper' NFS mount down?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at crschmidt.net
Sun Mar 30 00:10:48 EDT 2008

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 10:06:24AM -0400, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> John,
> The 'geothumper' mountpoint seems to have stopped serving NFS
> approximately one hour ago. Hypercube's apache locked up as a result of
> this. I've restarted the machine to clear out stale data trying to use
> this mountpoint, but unfortunately, it is the host for the Openaerialmap
> and OpenStreetMap databases, which means that both of those sites are
> now down until the mount point comes back up.

John went in this morning and restarted the machine, and remounted the

He's now configured the remote management interface on the Geothumper
machine so that I can restart it remotely in an emergency. 

Many thanks to John for his prompt action on both of these.

I have documented a bit of information about administration and other
information on the device in question at

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer

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