[Geodata] wiki-nature geodata aggregators

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Thu Aug 6 18:38:14 EDT 2009

dear all,

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Mikel Maron, OSM<mikel at osmfoundation.org>
> The "man behind the curtain" of authoritative geodata is that the processes
> are actually less comprehensive (a certain NMA
> that shall remain nameless does not even track which individual surveyor &
> cartographer were responsible for which bits
> of data)

In the foyer of the National Library of Scotland they're selling
facsimiles of John Thomson's Atlas of Scotland.

Each set of pages has a different attestation - this map attested by
So-and-So, Land Surveyor, So-and-So, Factor to the Duke of
Such-and-Such. I enjoyed that; the curtain is opened, data
contributions endorsed by, dare I say it, a social network.

Sample attestations here (one grainy cameraphoto from me,
one tile stolen from the NLIS map service):

Harder to gain traction for attestation with mutable vector data -
"This line segment is attested by..." or with data that may get
ever increasing resolution - one could attest to completeness
at different scales, for different tiles? A lot easier with geonames...



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