[Geodata] GeoNetwork opensource v2.4.0 released

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Wed Jul 22 13:56:17 EDT 2009

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
> We're proud to announce the release of GeoNetwork opensource 2.4.0. 
> This is a major release for the project. 
> GeoNetwork opensource ( http://geonetwork-opensource.org ) is a 
> standards based geospatial catalog application that helps people and 
> organizations to organize and publish their geospatial data through 
> the web. It is currently used in numerous Spatial Data Infrastructure 
> initiatives across the world.

The link to Source Forge just takes me to an empty top-level SF page, 
and then when I try to downlaod I get the following error:
"Unable to find any mirror information for the 
file. Please select another file."

Did I do something wrong or is this an installation malfunction?

- Bill Thoen

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