[Geodata] What is the value of free data?

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Fri Sep 11 18:38:46 EDT 2009

On 2009/09/11 7:57 AM, Pat Cappelaere wrote:
> It is great to make geodata free.  However, we could get more of it
> if we could quantify the value of that data. We need to justify the
> business case.

What is the cost of not doing something?
How do you measure value?

Here's a "business case": produce the free data or die.
A bit extreme, but it could be argued that without
free access to worldwide datasets as well as local data
researchers may not be able to properly measure effects
and causes of global warming, and a subsequent lack of
"answers" may lead to 'the death of the human race'.

Framing the discussions with 'the powers that be' about
the "cost and value" of the product/service/data within
the larger context might help some people to look beyond
their 'local' perspective.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
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Technical Coordinator

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