[geo-discuss] [Geodata] Re: Geodata in CKAN and collaboration
(was Re: Responding to the consultation on opening Ordnance Survey's
Puneet Kishor
punkish at creativecommons.org
Tue Feb 9 12:55:41 EST 2010
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 11:43 AM, SteveC <steve at asklater.com> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2010, at 9:34 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote:
>> To make a claim now, just as you are doing, "as is obvious to anyone,"
>> you are clearly not just not convinced of CC0's usefulness and
>> viability, you think it is patronizing, sermonizing, and misguided.
>> Well, then, don't use it. Use a license of your liking, and do what
>> you want with your data. Why even bother waiting for OKFN or someone
>> else to build a license menu. Just create your own license, or pick
>> one from the pile of hundreds out there, and go for it.
> Because it would be far quicker and better to get either Science Commons (because you guys have infinite amounts of money)
I am not privy to how much money Creative Commons has, but I am
certain that it is very, very far from infinite (Science Commons is
just a very small part of Creative Commons -- I believe SC has only 3
or 4 permanent employees... perhaps fewer). I believe that SC/CC does
have a lot of goodwill and faith of a lot of folks around the world,
and I don't think any amount of money can buy that.
Hoping that CC will build something that it thinks is misguided would
be a waste of hope.
> or OKFN (because they've already taken the first steps with the ODbL) to build out the menu?
> Yours &c.
> Steve
Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org
Carbon Model http://carbonmodel.org
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org
Science Commons Fellow, http://sciencecommons.org/about/whoweare/kishor
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu
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