[Geodata] Starting work on a metadata.osgeo.org service

David William Bitner bitner at gyttja.org
Fri Jun 11 13:12:42 EDT 2010


This indeed sounds like a great opportunity for OSGeo Geodata.  This
has indeed been the dream  for quite some time. I will counsel that
the limiting factor has never been the lack of know-how or software or
hardware, it has simply been the lack of people who had the itch or
the business need to really spend the time that it takes to really run
with this. This is why loosely affiliated or at least "friends of
OSGeo Geodata" projects like FlightGear Scenery or the Education
Dataset or the work that has been done with imagery and other data at
Telascience disasters have been the limit of what has actually been

If there is indeed some inertia and some energy and willingness from
folks to really get their hands dirty I would be absolutely ecstatic.
If there is anyone who really feels that they have a vision and the
energy to really take a lead and make all of this happen, I would love
to had over the reigns to this committee :-)


On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Arnulf Christl
<arnulf.christl at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> anybody interested in joining efforts for an OSGeo service on geodata?
> We have planned to have some such since OSGeo's inception (and me way before
> that) but never formed a more concrete action around it. It would be nice to
> move the Wiki page with service URLs and the Geodata Discovery Group (see
> Wiki) into a more usable portal type of place. There is considerable
> know-how and software around, GeoNetwork and Mapbender have shown interest
> in helping maintain this sub domain.
> With OSGeo's move to the new service infrastructure it seems like we can get
> decent hardware to support a permanantly available service and it would be
> really great to have it in place before the INSPIRE Open Source Mash-Up [1]
> in Krakov. This event might help generate a healthy stream of input from the
> Open Source world to INSPIRE and back and make this list [2] a bit longer
> and way more accessible. There is a ticket in SAC [3] right now that
> describes one perspective on the service.
> Best regards,
> Arnulf
> [1]
> http://inspire-forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pg/groups/13847/first-inspire-mashup-event-creating-new-apps-for-biodiversity/
> [2] http://inspire-forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pg/bookmarks/group:13847/items
> [3] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/568
> --
> Have fun!
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David William Bitner

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