[Geodata] Geodata Research

David Campbell dcampbell24 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 17:10:38 EST 2011

Greetings everyone,

As part of my M.A. in Computer Science I am going to be doing GIS research, and
my interests look like they align well with the goals of the Public Geospatial
Data Project. I am planning on doing three semesters of research (starting now)
leading up to a thesis. Unfortunately, although our Earth Science department
uses GIS, there is no one with a strong technical GIS background. So I am
seeking both ways to get involved and some guidance if anyone will offer it. I
want to see OSGeo get their geodata repository off the ground and would be
happy to work on researching data standards, building the browsing interface,
building the back-end, and researching discovery methods (one thing at a time).

My current experience includes a GIS certificate program in which, using ESRI
products, I created a variety of maps, made some simple geodatabases, did
spatial and network analysis, and made a customized interactive city map. I am
not an experienced programmer, but have some familiarity with a number of
languages including C, C++, Python, Haskell and Bash. I also have some
experience with CSS/HTML.

I look forward to working with the Public Geospatial Data Committee.
David Campbell

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