[GeoForAll-AsiaAustralia] We want to join "Geo for all"

中尾 浩子 hiroko at mapconcierge.com
Wed Nov 4 20:24:16 PST 2015


I am Hiroko NAKAO, a secretary of Taichi FURUHASHI, professor of Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
We want to join OSgeo-lab and submit Geo4all Lab in Japan.

Here is our lab location information and website URL.
- Laboratory name and institution:GSC(School of Global Studies and Collaboration)/Aoyama Gakuin University(AGU) 
- City:Fuchinobe, Kanagawa, Japan, Asia 
- Coordinates:139.40272, 35.56636
- Contact:Taichi FURUHASHI(taichi at gsc.aoyama.ac.jp) 
- Website:http://furuhashilab.com / http://www.gsc.aoyama.ac.jp/english/ (official)

We are also going to subscribe for the lists.
- https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/ica-osgeo-labs
- https://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geoforall-asiaaustralia

Please advice for us about the process.



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