[GeoForAll-Iberoamerica] [Geo4All] Participatory webinar Friday Nov 10 7:00 PM GMT Collaborative education research across GeoForAll labs?

SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA sergio.acostaylara at mtop.gub.uy
Fri Nov 10 04:35:13 PST 2017

?The same as Antoni, I won't be able to attend. Let's hope someone from GeoForAll Iberoamérica can finally do it as it sure will be of great interest to the community. It will be great if we at GeoForAll IbA can do something similar in the near future.

Congratulations and good luck,

Sergio Acosta y Lara
Departamento de Geomática
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
(598)29157933 ints. 20329/20330
De: GeoForAll <geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> en nombre de Antoni Pérez Navarro <aperezn at uoc.edu>
Enviado: viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017 2:04
Para: 'Charlie Schweik'; 'Moreno-sanchez, Rafael'
Cc: discuss at lists.osgeo.org; geoforall at lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [Geo4All] Participatory webinar Friday Nov 10 7:00 PM GMT Collaborative education research across GeoForAll labs?

I am very sorry, but at the time of the webinar I will be in classroom.

De: GeoForAll [mailto:geoforall-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] En nom de Charlie Schweik
Enviat: divendres, 10 de novembre de 2017 1:42
Per a: Moreno-sanchez, Rafael <Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu>
A/c: geoforall at lists.osgeo.org; discuss at lists.osgeo.org
Tema: [Geo4All] Participatory webinar Friday Nov 10 7:00 PM GMT Collaborative education research across GeoForAll labs?

Dear GeoForAll community,

I appreciate the opportunity to speak to some of you tomorrow at 7:00 PM GMT in the GeoForAll webinar [1]. The goal is to discuss how we can create some real substantive collaborations across GeoForAll labs.

One favor (even if you can't attend). Could you take this brief survey about GeoForAll lab collaboration by 5:00 PM GMT tomorrow?


Thank you!

Charlie Schweik
University of Massachusetts, Amherst


[1] To join participatory webinar: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/563231430
7:00 PM GMT, Friday November 10th

"Can we initiate GeoForAll lab collaborative education and/or research?"

We undoubtedly agree: The GeoForAll network is terrific. We have ~120 labs scattered throughout the world, we've identified some collaborative research and education areas (e.g., OpenCitySmart, GeoAgriculture), and there are some significant collaboration going on across nodes, such as the NASA Europa Challenge. But we may have only scratched the surface on what we can, collectively, accomplish. Can we do even better?

In this participatory webinar, Charlie Schweik of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, will be posing the question to the GeoForAll community: Can we initiate and "incubate" some GeoForAll collaborative research or educational projects? After presenting this idea in more detail, we will open the webinar to community discussion and how to possibly move, collectively, forward.

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