[GeoForAll-Iberoamerica] Energy and Environment", "Geology and Earth Science" "Advanced Materials
Anna Papadimitriou
anna.papadimitriou at wseas2020.org
Thu Dec 19 10:24:02 PST 2019
Dear Authors,
We would like to invite you to submit a paper in the following three open
Special Issues (we will make also a book /hard-copy if a minimum of 10 papers
will be accepted and published for each special issue)
"Energy and Environment"
"Geology and Earth Science"
"Advanced Materials"
that we organize in the Journal:
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
The Review of the Journal is organized by the Editor-in-Chief and many
Associate Editors. The quality of the Journal, the acceptance rates, the review
process can be found on the web.
Deadline to send your paper to me by email
with the correct Format (Our Format
http://www.wseas.org/cms.action?id=4045) is January 15, 2020
Alternatively, you can upload your paper via the web site of the particular
journal indicating in the Field: "Notes" the title of the Special Issue
until January 15, 2020.
Note that this invitation does not imply "a priori" any acceptance of your
paper. It will pass via rigorous peer review by the Editor-in-Chief (Prof.
V.Niola), Associate Editor and three reviewers and your paper can be accepted
after minor revision, accepted after major revision or rejected.
Do not send us "conference papers" with small number of pages. They will be
rejected. Do not send us paper in wrong format. Send us well-documented studies
of long papers with the correct WSEAS format. The papers in their entity or in
their some part should not have been published elsewhere and must not be under
review elsewhere.
If you want to send me by email an extended version of a conference paper
(published in a WSEAS conference or elsewhere), note that this paper must have
different title, different abstract, different keywords from its short,
conference version and must have 40% additional material.
About our review process: http://wseas.org/main/author-testimonials.html
Best Regards
Anna Papadimitriou
Prof. V. Niola (Editor-in-Chief)
wseas.transactions at gmail.com
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