[GeoForAll-Iberoamerica] Satellites Map Day 2024 = Meet the Confirmed Speakers

Fernando Puga comercial4 at convergencia.com
Fri May 17 05:45:44 PDT 2024

Hello OSGeo community

We invite you to participate in Satellite Map Day. The on-line seminar to
present the Satellite Map of Latin America 2024, on the mornings of 11 and
12 June.

The conference's panel discussions will analyse the opportunities of NTN
(non-terrestrial-networks), Direct to Device, the AI and Hybrid Fleets. LEO
alliances in Latin America. Mass IoT and the LEO market in Brazil, among
other topics.

Book your place now (free of charge), places are limited: Tuesday 11 June &
Wednesday 12 June 2023 (9:30 am ART - 12:30 am ART)

These are the speakers who have already joined the discussion days:

   - *Lincoln Oliveira - CEO – Embratel*
   - *Joe Bernabucci - Strategy Director  – Hughes*
   - *Mariano Sumberaz - Sales Director Satellite Business- Telefónica
   Global Solutions*
   - *Giuseppe Ferraioli - Commercial Sales Director – Astranis*
   - *Guillermo Bosch - SVP, Business Development and General Manager
   Americas – neXat*
   - *María Gabriel Serrano - Sales Manager Connectivity South America-
   Eutelsat OneWeb*
   - *Natalia Vicente - VP of Public Affairs - Global Satellite Operators
   Association (GSOA)*
   - *Agustín Lebrero - Commercial Director – Orbith*
   - *Rene Ibarra - Director, International Operations Sales Division –
   - *Jorge Ciccorossi - Senior Radiocommunication Engineer, Space
   Services, Department - International Telecommunication Union (ITU)*
   - *Molly Gavin - VP, International Regulation and Spectrum Policy –
   - *Rubén López Moya - Presales and Space Segment Manager - Telefónica
   Global Solutions*
   - *Miguel Ángel Pesado Independent Consultant*
   - *Oscar González - Consultant & Lawyer in Telecommunications, ICTs
   Digital Economy, Former Undersecretary of Regulation of the ICT Secretariat
   of Argentina and former Director of Arsat*
   - *Rubens Glasberg – President - Glasberg Comunicacoes*
   - *Eliana Fernández – Collaborator - Latam.Space*
   - *Mariana Rodríguez Zani – CEO – Grupo Convergencia*
   - *Danila Curotto - Editorial Director – Grupo Convergencia*

  You can consult the updated preliminary agenda by clicking here

Best Regards

Fernando Puga

Grupo Convergencia

Comercial4 at convergencia.com

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