[Ica-osgeo-labs] OpenGIS Webinar Series
Phillip Davis
pdavis at delmar.edu
Mon Sep 23 09:34:21 PDT 2013
We like our hosted Adobe Connect product. Not free and not open, but very inexpensive and good product.
-----Original Message-----
From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sergio Acosta y Lara
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 11:27 AM
To: Eduardo Freitas
Cc: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] OpenGIS Webinar Series
Hi Eduardo. Take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_conferencing_software. You'll probably know it but in case you don't maybe you can find something worth studying.
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Eduardo Freitas" <eduardo at mundogeo.com>
Para: "Sergio Acosta y Lara" <sacosta at dntopografia.gub.uy>
CC: "maria brovelli" <maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it>, redacao at mundogeo.com, ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org, "Suchith Anand" <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>
Enviados: Miércoles, 21 de Agosto 2013 14:42:34
Asunto: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] OpenGIS Webinar Series
Hi Sergio
Yes, we are located in Curitiba (UTC -3h), but we can change the time for each webinar.
The technology is GoToWebinar. In addition to Windows, it also works with Mac, Android and iOS Rgds Eduardo Freitas MundoGEO
Em 21/08/2013 13:16, Sergio Acosta y Lara escreveu:
Yes, great opportunity indeed. I know Mundogeo's experience in organizing these webinars and they are really good. As for Cameron questions (and Suchith's answers) I will add that time/zone will probably depend on the organizers that for the case are from (and in) Brazil (I think they are in Curitiba, -3 UTC). The technology is indeed GoToWebinar but recently we had a discussion with MundoGEO about it because as you may know this technology only works with Windows. If any of you know about an alternative that can also work with Linux that will be great. And MundoGEO will appreciate it much too. All webinars are recorded and you can find past ones here: http://mundogeo.com/webinar/webinar.html . Of course it will be better to have them also in the Labs website.
Sergio Acosta y Lara
Sección Sistemas de Información Geográfica Dirección Nacional de Topografía Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas URUGUAY
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "maria brovelli" <maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it> Para: "Suchith Anand" <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> CC: redacao at mundogeo.com , ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org , eduardo at mundogeo.com Enviados: Miércoles, 21 de Agosto 2013 8:14:14
Asunto: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] OpenGIS Webinar Series
Dear Suchith (and All)
webinar is a wonderful opportunity! I know that Phil has also many experience in webinars (and the infrastructure for delivering them) because Rafael Moreno and I gave a webinar on FOSS4G some months ago.
I will disseminate the webinars through ISPRS channels too.
Def. Quota Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> :
Hi Cameron,
Thanks. I am ccing this to labs list as your queries are of interest to others in our group. Please find my answers below
What size of audience do you expect? - We are expecting around
500-1000 participants for our webinars . This estimate is based on the stats provided by Eduardo on previous webinar attendance plus our plans to disseminate this through both ICA and OSGeo channels.
Also as the webinars will be in English it will have a global audience.
What time/timezone do you expect to present within? As per Eduardo mail, the webinars are usually held at 14:00 UTC. We can discuss with MundoGeo for rotating timezones.
What technology do you expect to make use of for the webinar?
MundoGeo will provide the webinar platform , so i think they will be using Gotomeeting http://www.gotomeeting.com/fec/webinar (Eduardo,please correct me if i am wrong).
Do you intend to make use of video (of the presenter)? It is not mandatory as slides and audio is fine but if the presenter has webcam and wishes to use video then it is fine.
Do you intend to record the session? Yes, we need to record the presentation to archive it and make it available to wider community.
We can have the webinar recording links stored at both MundoGeo website and OSGeo site . For the time being, i will setup a wiki site for the webinars. Once Manuel and Rafael gets our website ready, we can add links of the Webinar recordings there.
From: Cameron Shorter [ cameron.shorter at gmail.com ]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 11:11 AM
To: Suchith Anand
Subject: Re: Geospatial Open Source?
An OSGeo-Live webinar sounds like a good idea.
What size of audience do you expect?
What time/timezone do you expect to present within?
What technology do you expect to make use of for the webinar?
Do you intend to make use of video (of the presenter)?
Do you intend to record the session?
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