[Ica-osgeo-labs] "Open Geospatial Science & Applications" webinar series
Sergio Acosta y Lara
sacosta at dntopografia.gub.uy
Fri Sep 27 09:25:42 PDT 2013
Well, I didn't see this. In case there is no option, I'll see if we can do it in March instead of April (which will be better for us).
Sergio Acosta y Lara
Sección Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Dirección Nacional de Topografía
Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Suchith Anand" <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>
Para: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Enviados: Viernes, 27 de Septiembre 2013 8:27:10
Asunto: [Ica-osgeo-labs] "Open Geospatial Science & Applications" webinar series
Hi All,
The ICA-OSGeo Lab Network and MundoGeo are now pleased to inform the schedule of "Open Geospatial Science & Applications" webinar series. Thank you to all of you who have volunteered their webinars. We are expecting around 500-1000 participants for our webinars . This estimate is based on the stats provided by Eduardo on previous webinar attendance plus our plans to disseminate this through both ICA and OSGeo channels. The webinars will be in English and open and free to all on first come register basis.
The webinars will be recorded and made available at MundoGeo website and our new "Geo for All" website that University of Southampton are building
The tentative schedule of first 6 webinars at
· Oct 18th, 2013 @14:00 UTC - OSGeo Live for Education (Jeremy Morley, University of Nottingham)
· Nov 7th, 2013 @14:00 UTC - Open Geo Science (Patrick Bell et al, British Geological Survey)
· Dec 10th, 2013 @14:00 UTC - Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications (FOSS4G): A mature alternative in the geospatial technologies arena ( Maria Brovelli and Rafael Moreno)
· Jan 2014 -Introduction to GRASS GIS 7 (Lluís Vicens, SIGTE)
· Feb 2014 - gvSIG Batoví (Sergio Acosta y Lara, MTOP, Uruguay)
· March 2014 - AURIN (Chris Pettit, Uni. of Melbourne)
Could i request all webinar presenters to email short abstract of webinar topic to Eduardo (cc me and Jason - as we will use it also for the new website) by 5th Oct. Many thanks.
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