[Ica-osgeo-labs] BOF in Portland: Some Ideas of certification

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 24 06:57:19 PDT 2014

I agree, but it will take a champion to push for this (add Board agenda 
items, send Board emails, attend Board meeting to discuss it).  Where it 
gets tricky/touchy is when private businesses want to be the 'certifier' 
(believe me I have received many direct messages of this warning).  I'll 
hold off my own opinions on this, but I am willing to discuss this with 
the OSGeo Board if a champion drives this to the Board.


Jeff McKenna
President, OSGeo

On 2014-09-24 10:41 AM, Phillip Davis wrote:
> It would be more authoritative if we got OSGeo Board blessing for this group to be the decider of who can issue the certs and precisely what they mean.  It would give the GeoForAll project a definitive purpose directly related to our academic orientation.  It might be a nice little proposal to NSF to fund an international meeting of educators to discuss it.
> ________________________________________
> From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Dr. Franz-Josef Behr [franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:27 AM
> To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs]  BOF in Portland: Some Ideas of certification
> Dear colleagues,
> during the BoF meeting in Portland we discussed the topic of FOSS4G
> certification and Arnulf shared some of his thoughts and insights (see
> also his talk/discussion [2] which I unfortunately missed, the slides at
> [3].)
> After the BoF meeting I had a further informal discussion with Philip
> Davis.
> One idea:
> ***
> The participating Universities (faculty members) could elaborate a set
> of prerequisites to award an FOSS4G certification and try to achieve an
> agreement amongst the academians as well with the OSGeo foundation.
> ***
> The certificates could point out that they are acknowledged by the
> faculties/Unviersities who joined the Ica-osgeo-lab movement plus OSGeo.
> The certificate could be granted by these Universities (for their
> respective students/for participants in courses9 and by other
> acknowledged institutions (i.e. MetaSpatial).
> I found some keywords for Postgres certification [1], see below. Such
> keywords could be transfered easily to our aimed fields of certification.
> Arnulf lists some types of certification [4]:
>       Open Source Geospatial Software Developer
>       Open Source Geospatial Software Professional
>       Open Geospatial Standards Expert
>       Open Geospatial Data Expert
>       Open Geospatial Consultant
> Further/other types could be:
>       Certified OS GIS Technologist
>       Certified QGIS/... developer
>       Certified Web GIS solution architect
>       Certified PostGIS Associate ...
> We could start with one of them...!?
> Regards
> Franz-Josef
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Postgres Plus Associate Certification
>       PostgreSQL System Architecture
>       Installation
>       Configuration
>       Creating and Managing Databases
>       Introduction to PSQL
>       pgAdmin III
>       Security basics
>       SQL
>       Backup and Recovery
>       Point-in Time Recovery
>       Routine Maintenance
>       Postgres Data Dictionary
>       Moving Data
> Postgres Plus Professional Certification
>       PostgreSQL System Architecture
>       Transactions and Concurrency
>       Performance Tuning
>       Table Partitioning
>       High Availability & Replication
>       Connection Pooling
>       Monitoring
>       Procedural Languages
>       Add on Utilities - Contrib
> [1] http://www.daseq.de/schulungen/enterprisedb/edb-pgac/
> [2] http://vimeo.com/106231984
> [3] http://www.metaspatial.net/conferences/metaspatial-institute.html#/3
> [4] http://www.metaspatial.net/conferences/metaspatial-institute.html#/8
> _______________________________________________

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