[Ica-osgeo-labs] "Geo for All" speaker wanted at FOSS4G Seoul
Charles Schweik
cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Thu Aug 6 04:15:00 PDT 2015
Sorry all for sending my Como slides to everyone! My mistake!
But no harm done... and I guess you can all see now what was said there, or
use those slides in your own locations if you do any GeoForAll marketing!
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Charles Schweik <cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu>
> Hi Venka, Maria (and Suchith):
> Attached are the slides I used at Como. Also, I think Suchith's slides are
> at [0].
> As Maria knows, one of the big decisions there was that the OSGeo
> Education and Curriculum group is THE SAME as GeoForAll. In other words,
> the OSGeo Education has grown and evolved into GeoForAll. (This is
> described at [2]). So the message to the community is that they are one and
> the same (which the slides convey).
> If you use some of my slides, you probably would want to remove the
> GeoForAll education award stuff that I presented there, but I leave it in
> in case you want to at least list the nominees and winners which would lead
> you to be able to point the community to the newly reborn Educational
> Inventory system [1]. We now have 11 new entries since Como. Please
> encourage educators there to post any metadata on their own courses or
> modules into this system by going to [2].
> [Suchith - it would be good to get the 'Roll of Honor' page on the
> GeoForAll website of the nominees and winners so that Venka could point to
> or show that. Can that be done?]
> As for other progress at Como, rather than me listing the stuff it is
> probably easier for you to read our online notes and report what you think
> is important. I'm going to send that out to the list so everyone sees those
> links.
> Cheers and thanks for leading the charge at FOSS4G global.
> Charlie
> [0] http://www.geoforall.org/resources/downloads/GeoforAllslides.ppt
> [1] http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
> [2] http://www.osgeo.org/education
> [3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_EU_Como_2015_Preconference_meeting
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan <
> raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> OK, I can do the Geo4All lightning talk at FOSS4G-Seoul.
>> Pl. send me the slides.
>> Best
>> Venka
>> On 2015/08/06 0:38, Charles Schweik wrote:
>> Yes, I can provide an update on Como progress. Where can we share files?
>> Sanghee, not sure where in the program this will happen -- and thanks for
>> thinking to do it! -- but if possible it might be good to have the
>> lightning earlier in the conference so that Venka or whoever can give this
>> introduction and encourage one or more GeoForAll BOF meetings.
>> Cheers
>> Charlie
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Polimi <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> wrote:
>> Yes, Venka is super!
>> Suchith, can you share the slides you already have for presenting
>> GeoForAll? Charlie, are you able to add one/ two more slides with the
>> Como's updates? Then Venka ( obviously if you agree, but please, do it!)
>> will customize them and rearrange them for fitting the 5 minutes talk.
>> Best.
>> Maria
>> *----------------------------------------------------*
>> Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
>> Vice Rector for Como Campus and GIS Professor
>> Politecnico di Milano
>> *FOSS4G EUROPE - Don't miss it! *Home <http://europe.foss4g.org/2015> <http://europe.foss4g.org/2015>
>> [image: immagine non visualizzata]<https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49> <https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49>
>> ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and
>> Applications"; OSGeo; ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind Europa
>> Challenge; SIFET
>> Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALY)
>> Tel. +39-031-3327336 - Mob. +39-328-0023867 - fax. +39-031-3327321
>> e-mail1: <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>maria.brovelli at polimi.it
>> e-mail2: prorettrice at como.polimi.it
>> Il giorno 05/ago/2015, alle ore 16:39, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> ha scritto:
>> I do see Sanghee's point, that Maria and I are giving keynotes (and
>> likely/usually/always) will mention GeoForAll, but it would be great to
>> have another enthusiastic person to talk about GeoForAll for a brief
>> lightning talk in the plenary. Venka is great of course!
>> -jeff
>> On 2015-08-05 11:23 AM, Suchith Anand wrote:
>> Yes, it will be great if Maria and Venka could do joint presentation for
>> this. Maria can give the global overview, updates from Como meeting and
>> Venka can give the Asian focus and expansion plans.
>> Suchith
>> ______________________________________
>> From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Charles Schweik [cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 1:27 PM
>> To: 신상희
>> Cc: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] "Geo for All" speaker wanted at FOSS4G Seoul
>> Hi,
>> IMHO, Maria still would be a great person to report on this given she
>> knows a lot about the recent progress we made in Como.
>> But I am pretty sure Venka said he will be there too, and as one of the
>> Asian regional co-chairs, perhaps he is another speaker option? Or maybe
>> they co-present? Clearly the overall goal should be gaining GeoForAll
>> momentum and growing our Asian community in whatever directions are
>> important to them.
>> I should talk with whoever does do this so we can provide some quick
>> points about key activities that occurred in the various GeoForAll Como
>> meetings (e.g., that OSGeo education and GeoForAll are one-and-the-same;
>> GeoForAll thematic groups, grant-getting efforts, etc.). I also have the
>> 'what is GeoForAll' slides I used at the closing plenary that this
>> presenter could use if s/he wishes.
>> Lastly, GOOD NEWS! Since Como, there are 9 new educational metadata
>> entries posted in our educational material search database [1]! WAY TO GO
>> COLLEAGUES! If you have some material to share, and have not yet shared it,
>> please add yours to this growing list following these instructions [2].
>> Cheers,
>> Charlie
>> [1] http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content
>> [2] http://www.osgeo.org/education
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 4:12 AM, 신상희 <shshin at gaia3d.com<mailto:shshin at gaia3d.com <shshin at gaia3d.com> <shshin at gaia3d.com> <shshin at gaia3d.com>>> wrote:
>> Hi Maria,
>> You are already keynote speaker at FOSS4G Seoul!!
>> Sanghee
>> 2015. 8. 5. 오후 4:29에 "Polimi" <maria.brovelli at polimi.it<mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>>>님이 작성:
>> Suchith, I will be there and I can willingly present GeoForAll initiatives.
>> Cheers!
>> Maria
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
>> Vice Rector for Como Campus and GIS Professor
>> Politecnico di Milano
>> FOSS4G EUROPE - Don't miss it! Home<http://europe.foss4g.org/2015> <http://europe.foss4g.org/2015>
>> [http://europe.foss4g.org/2015/assets/img/logo.png]<https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49> <https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49><http://europe.foss4g.org/2015/assets/img/logo.png%5D%3Chttps://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49%3E> <http://europe.foss4g.org/2015/assets/img/logo.png%5D%3Chttps://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emr=03450634040182435548&emid=COD1q67m-cECFQ_DjAodSl8AJA&path=%2F115663172974992941672%2Fposts%2F3zd7VWkEKDK&dt=1415957935909&ub=49%3E>
>> ISPRS WG IV/5 "Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications";
>> OSGeo; ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind Europa Challenge;
>> Via Natta, 12/14 - 22100 COMO (ITALY)
>> Tel. +39-031-3327336<tel:+39-031-3327336> <+39-031-3327336> - Mob. +39-328-0023867<tel:
>> +39-328-0023867> <+39-328-0023867> - fax. +39-031-3327321<tel:+39-031-3327321> <+39-031-3327321>
>> e-mail1: <mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>>maria.brovelli at polimi.it<mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it <maria.brovelli at polimi.it><maria.brovelli at polimi.it> <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>>
>> e-mail2: prorettrice at como.polimi.it<mailto:prorettrice at como.polimi.it <prorettrice at como.polimi.it><prorettrice at como.polimi.it> <prorettrice at como.polimi.it>>
>> Il giorno 05/ago/2015, alle ore 09:15, Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk><Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>>> ha scritto:
>> Hi Sanghee,
>> Many thanks for this. Anyone planning to attend FOSS4G Seoul please do
>> come forward and present this. Many thanks.
>> Suchith
>> ________________________________________
>> From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org <ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org><ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> <ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> [ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org <ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org><ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> <ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>>] On Behalf Of Sanghee Shin [shshin at gaia3d.com<mailto:shshin at gaia3d.com <shshin at gaia3d.com> <shshin at gaia3d.com> <shshin at gaia3d.com>>]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 8:13 AM
>> To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org <ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org><ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org> <ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org>>
>> Subject: [Ica-osgeo-labs] "Geo for All" speaker wanted at FOSS4G Seoul
>> Dear All,
>> FOSS4G Seoul team can give 10 minutes lightening talk slot to "Geo for
>> All” team at the plenary session. It will be great chance to "Geo for All”
>> team to spread "Geo for All” spirits and activities in/around Korea and
>> Asia.
>> Anybody who attends FOSS4G Seoul and can give this talk, please raise your
>> hands!
>> All the best,
>> Sanghee
>> ---
>> Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul
>> "Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
>> http://2015.foss4g.org
>> Twitter: @foss4g
>> Facebook: FOSS4G2015
>> email: foss4gchair at osgeo.org<mailto:foss4gchair at osgeo.org <foss4gchair at osgeo.org><foss4gchair at osgeo.org> <foss4gchair at osgeo.org>>
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>> --
>> Charlie Schweik
>> Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
>> Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and
>> Administration
>> Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
>> Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/
>> Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press,
>> 2012) - see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545
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> --
> Charlie Schweik
> Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and
> Administration
> Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
> Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/
> Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press,
> 2012) - see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545
> --------------------------------------------
> Q: Why do I try my best to keep my emails to five sentences or less?
> A: http://five.sentenc.es
Charlie Schweik
Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and
Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/
Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012)
- see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545
Q: Why do I try my best to keep my emails to five sentences or less?
A: http://five.sentenc.es
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