[Ica-osgeo-labs] Idea: GeoForAll Sprint
Helena Mitasova
hmitaso at ncsu.edu
Tue Aug 25 16:43:19 PDT 2015
we are planning on doing GeoForAll sprint if FOSS4G NA 2016 comes to Raleigh - we have the github, templates
and existing class material set up along with the “getting started developing the course” tutorial.
And I am sure there will be other examples of environments to develop the edu material for various
levels of education and we will be ready to provide facilities that will accomodate multiple groups.
If FOSS4G NA 2016 is elsewhere we will bring our material and participate as well and of course we will try to
participate at sprints in Europe as much as our funding allows
P.S. Regarding POSSE workshops - I gave a presentation about open source geospatial
to POSSE workshop on humanitarian response here at RedHat in Raleigh some time ago - we had great discussion, as most of the participants did not even know that OSGeo exists.
> On Aug 25, 2015, at 4:32 PM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
> Darn, I forgot to include a link: I saw this yesterday, and it made me think of a GeoForAll sprint: a New York sprint creating course materials http://opensource.com/education/15/6/applying-doc-sprint-model-curriculum-creation
> -jeff
> On 2015-08-25 5:09 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'd like to pose an idea to the OSGeo-ICA-ISPRS community: a "GeoForAll
>> Sprint" event. The goal of the event would be to get the OSGeo, and
>> ICA, and ISPRS communities together over a few days to work together on
>> developing Open curriculum materials. What do you think??
>> Those of you familiar with code sprints, know them as getting developers
>> from around the world to work together, usually in a big room with good
>> wifi, and working on OSGeo software projects.
>> Now, the GeoForAll Sprint would be a little different, as code may not
>> be written for the OSGeo projects, but materials would be developed that
>> could be used by the project communities, and educators.
>> If you choose to do this, there are already steps available if you want
>> to request for funding to the OSGeo Board for a sprint (see the steps at
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines).
>> I wonder if someone in GeoForAll would like to take this on and champion
>> it. If so, it could be a great event for the 3 communities.
>> -jeff
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Helena Mitasova
Professor at the Department of Marine,
Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
and Center for Geospatial Analytics
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
hmitaso at ncsu.edu
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