[Ica-osgeo-labs] Urban Science - City Analytics - first thoughts
Suchith Anand
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun Feb 22 16:00:34 PST 2015
Patrick, good points and i agree. We will use OSGeo wiki and OSGeo mailing list (both open to all and archived for future) for starting the new theme on Urban Science - City Analytics and all interested are welcome to join this.
Charlie - It will be good to have NASA's Worldwind as foundational technology for the research network grant proposal that you are writing. I will be happy to provide any support needed.
Also for info, through the Research Data Alliance (RDA) we now have the opportunity to apply for RDA Data Share Fellow scheme. I understand that it is open to U.S.-based junior scholars from a diversity of backgrounds and RDA (US) expect to fund 10-15 fellows per year. This years fellows will start June 2015. If we want apply for this by March 18, 2015.
This might be a good opportunity to think about Research Data sharing aspects of Urban Science and submit three different aspects of Urban Science research problems (and we can bring together three IGs - Geospatial, Big Data and Urban to support and mentor this). By the terms of the funding, Fellows must be affiliated with institutions in the United States, so only US colleagues can lead this though all of us can support you.
So i suggest if you can coordinate you with Xinyue Ye (Ohio , Kent- who was the only one to confirm interest in this opportunity till now , but if any others want to join please let us know) to make use of this opportunity .
Chris will be chairing the RDA joint meeting of Geospatial & Big Data at San Diego on 9th March and https://rd-alliance.org/ig-geospatial-p5-joint-session.html
and we have dedicated some time to discuss and explore ideas for this.
I also understand now after discussions with the local organisers that they will be arranging tele meeting facilities for us , so those of you who wish to attend remotely can also join. I will inform details on this once i get more info.
From: ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [ica-osgeo-labs-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) [patrick.hogan at nasa.gov]
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:23 PM
To: ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: Ingo Simonis; Anthony Beck; Chris Pettit; Gabor Remetey; Jim Miller (miller at ittc.ku.edu); Doreen Boyd; Chandola, Varun; Giuseppe Conti; MELICK Brandt
Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Urban Science - City Analytics - first thoughts
Yes! We need a list of use cases that cities have for addressing their needs.
Then we need to boil that down into a set of requirements/functionalities.
We need to assess which are of more common interest and which might be easier or smarter (more fundamental) to build first.
And we’ll want real cities interested in participating, to be testing this out and providing feedback.
As for a foundational platform, yes World Wind is there, Java, iOS and Android. The interesting thing about the web version (JavaScript/HTML5/WebGL) we are developing now is that it will provide visualization for the subsurface. Much of a city’s infrastructure is underground, so this would seem an essential element. I think the only requirement should be that the OSGEO solution does not require proprietary software and has an open source license that allows others to continually advance the platform as needed.
And I don’t think this effort requires an education component (your item 3). It certainly would be free for GIS courses to include it in their real-world teaching experience. That will happen all on its own, especially if what we are doing proves valuable to the municipalities.
As for Goog docs or OSGEO wiki, the only reason Goog is being ‘nice’ is to sift you and sell you out. So I would prefer an OSGEo wiki.
650.604.5656 (office)
650.269.2788 (cell)
From: Charles Schweik [mailto:cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu]
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 12:33 AM
To: Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)
Cc: Chandola, Varun; Anthony Beck; Jeremy Morley; Chris Pettit; SERGIO ACOSTAYLARA; Antoni Pérez Navarro; Doreen Boyd; Phil Davis (pdavis at delmar.edu); Suchith Anand (suchith_anand at yahoo.com); Jim Miller (miller at ittc.ku.edu); MELICK Brandt; Mueller, Thomas; Tkachenko, Nataliya; Ye, Xinyue; Ruslan Rainis; Ingo Simonis; Gabor Remetey; Maria Brovelli (maria.brovelli at polimi.it); Giuseppe Conti; ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: Urban Science - City Analytics - first thoughts
Patrick, Chris, All:
One direction would be to use this common interest across the network to do these things:
1) Inventory who in our network is doing what development or application in this Urban Science area currently;
2) Inventory key needs or research questions on the development (and application) side;
3) Inventory key educational needs/desires;
4) Use this above to develop a shared document (Google Doc or OSGeo wiki page maybe?) that we could use to go after funding to support our network.
I'm now freeing up to start to think about research network grant proposal writing... I don't know if somehow NASA's Worldwind could be a foundational technology here somehow?
My two cents,
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) <patrick.hogan at nasa.gov<mailto:patrick.hogan at nasa.gov>> wrote:
Dear Urban Science - City Analytics Folks,
Chris Pettit is leading this and I am here to help. Each of you who are personally addressed, have expressed interest in moving this Urban Science - City Analytics theme into a bright future. If we think of this as putting the planet on track from the ground up, this is it, one city at a time! Solutions that we collectively share!!! To become a groundswell for all!
I think there may be a better name for this than "Urban Science - City Analytics" maybe 'Municipal Munificence' (just kidding) but at lease something less techno, i.e., SmartCity? This enterprise will not only address management of city infrastructure, zoning, permit process, taxation, flooding, traffic, routing of garbage trucks, and all the other munificent things integral to community living, but it will do this with an eye for constant improvement (analytics) to increase sustainability, prepare for climate change, and simply orient ongoing repair and growth in ways that continually improve the quality of city life.
This will necessarily decrease vehicle traffic, increase bicycle and pedestrian traffic, enhance more self-sufficient communities, increase cooperatives, and make schools, stores and services more accessible to more 'localized' communities. Then connect those local communities with each other via major public transportation arteries.
Okay, however ideal we orient, we must first address ^basic^ city management issues. Let's put together a list of what those are and then together prioritize them. At least that will establish the target. I see a lot of activity out there already thinking about these things. . .
Master programme in Sustainable Cities at Aalborg University Copenhagen
Climate Adaptation Guidebook for Municipalities
General background info:
WoW! A place where I would like to live!
A rural town in Italy, a leader in energy sustainability:
Local Grocery
Local Agriculture & Industrial Equipment
Anyway, just a shot over our bow.
What shall we do? Where to from here?
Patrick.Hogan at nasa.gov<mailto:Patrick.Hogan at nasa.gov>
Project Manager
NASA World Wind
650.604.5656<tel:650.604.5656> (office)
650.269.2788<tel:650.269.2788> (cell)
Charlie Schweik
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dept of Environmental Conservation and Center for Public Policy and Administration
Personal website: http://people.umass.edu/cschweik
Publications: http://works.bepress.com/charles_schweik/
Author, Internet Success: A Study of Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2012) - see http://tinyurl.com/d3e4545
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