[Ica-osgeo-labs] Ideas/Inputs for expanding "Geo for All" to School education and more collaborations with Industry, Government etc

Charles Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Thu Jul 9 02:12:51 PDT 2015

Hi Suchith... You said:

...the title of ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS labs should only be for Education (i.e.
> only Universities, HE, FE, Schools etc be able to use the logos of ICA,
> OSGeo and ISPRS in their lab website etc).

With all due respect, I personally don't understand why a government or
industry partner (or a hybrid, like Kurt) can't establish a lab. I think we
should be totally inclusive. Looking back at the original MOU [1], I don't
see anything in it that specifies that only universities or schools can be

As you understand, there are important educational connections that can be
made here. Some firms and government agencies are engaged in training (like
FOSS4G workshops), and I'd love to see their training materials go into a
common repository I hope we can finally establish this year. Moerover,
there are untapped educational opportunities, such as internships or online
mentoring we can establish through academia-industry-government lab
connections. And, importantly, partnerships between educational and
government or industry labs could be made to work on open geospatial
science research (another component of education).

What we are trying to build is a global network of labs (public, private,
nonprofit) contributing to 'Commons-based Peer Production' in the context
of open geospatial science education and research. I have a section on the
grant I am writing that describes what this is and I'm happy to share it
with the list if people would like.

I look forward to the discussion on this on our first meeting next week -
(Item 2, Como pre-conference meeting) [2] and then we'll also report back
on what we decided at the first BOF.

Warm regards,


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_ICA
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Europe_2015_GeoForAll_Agenda
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